About SMJ

What is Sports Media Journal?  Sports Media Journal will be a site where you’ll find out more about the people and organizations that manage and report sports.

We will, from time to time, provide commentary and critiques about those in the sports media.  But more importantly we hope to be different by using the site to conduct interviews with those in the business, be they from the biggest network, the most remote blog,  or the smallest weekly newspaper.  We want to know who these people are and how they go about their craft.  Hopefully we will get their cooperation.

We read plenty on the web from people who make it their point to constantly criticize.  Many of these people don’t know what it takes to work in the sports media world.  Don’t get me wrong, these people are entitled to their opinions.  We will definitely lend ours.  But we hope to provide some balance by doing our best to seek out those who report, and in some cases now become, the news.

We are always looking for those who wish to contribute to the site.  Please register and add your comments.  We hope you find what we do enlightening, informative, and entertaining.  Thanks and return often!